HELL YES to all. of. THIS! You are killing me! "Lazy men who want a blow job" FTW!

I had been on the apps for like 15 minutes when I came up with this list:

Top Ten Dating App Deal Breakers:

1. Poor spelling and weird grammar (what's with all of the random capitalizing?)

2. Mirror selfies. Gym selfies. Shirtless selfies. Shirtless mirror gym selfies.

3. Men in their 40s and 50s looking for "girls."

4. "Work hard, play hard."

5. Looking for a "partner in crime."

6. Photos with other women.

7. Any mention of drama, as in claiming to be "drama-free" or "not looking for drama."

8. Writing "I have a great sense of humor" but not actually writing anything funny.

9. Describing oneself as fit, handsome, or sexy (I'll be the judge of that, fella)

10. Photos in a bed or bathtub.

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Yes. Jennie's written about all of these deal breakers. But bathtub. No. Please.

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

Add to that “curious about the world” are we 8 years old? 🙄

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

And they're usually the dullest knives in the drawer too... 😂

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Awww, "curious about the world" is a great quality. Why is this a dealbreaker for you?

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To me it sounds ridiculous, every other profile says it. Same as “loves to laugh”

Who doesn’t ?

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deletedSep 2
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Because there's no need to use the mirror. The cameras has a reverse mode so you can take a nice looking picture. You can prop it up and use the timer. You can ask a friend to take one. It says loud and clear: I am one or more of these things: lazy, stupid, won't make the effort to take a decent photo, don't have friends who will take one for me, I'm too embarrassed to ask a friend to take one for me, I don't understand the assignment.

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

I am currently in bed recovering from hernia surgery, and had to take breaks from reading due to the pain of laughing my a** off. Oh, Harold. You dirty, thirsty man.

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Oh man! Feel better soon, Angela! ❤️

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Ikr? The blowjob comment followed by laughing women. My cat jumped because I burst out laughing. 100/10! Feel better, Angela!!

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

And while you’re at it, get a haircut.

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

“…this suggests a fundamental misunderstanding of How Things Work.” The cackle I cackled!!!

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

I fucking love this! I hope that you are ok with my profanity. There were just no other words! This is so spot on that I have no other words except for BRAVO and THANK YOU! I think that I speak for all women when I say this!

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Hahahahaha, I am totally fine with your profanity! And thank you :)

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F bomb away. We're good.

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

I don't think I've ever laughed harder. I actually snorted.

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That's what the apps are for, ya know? It's classic drama. Great sadness. And great humor. I never laughed so hard as I did on the apps. Word.

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

The inclusion of the picture of the women laughing is what took this over the edge for me! I see that you mentioned mediocre white men, and I can confirm from experience, accurate! But also lots of mediocre black men acting the exact same way! It's like there's a universal Mediocre Man Book on how to get women circulating the globe 🤣🤣

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agreed, male mediocrity transcends all demographics, lol.

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New band name (or T.S. song)? "male mediocrity transcends all demographics"


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The inclusion of the picture makes for three reasons I will never use those apps.

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

Hilarious! Thank you for putting into words why I swipe left so fast on these guys. 😂

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

Fiercest analysis to date. I wanna put that to music!!! I wish i could read it again for the first time. Preach Jennie.

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On the plus side, this is an excellent shot of his belly flab and double chin, which are both well-known turn-ons for women. I can't comment on the nose hair but I'm sure it was equally prodigious.

Maybe next time he could show us what we really want to see and get a close-up of his heel callouses.

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

I was reading this and uncontrollably laughing out loud! We've all seen Harold's photos - with luck we haven't met him in real life! 😂

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Harolds are the WORST.

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

This is hilarious Jennie! Just spat out my cuppa. Thank you for transforming the dystopian nightmare of late life internet dating to something so bloody hilarious!

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

There is a new campaign called Mirrors For Men and I am all in! These men are everywhere on the apps, clueless, thoughtless that they should offer something (other than ED) to the women they are dating. They are left, like the single sock forever trapped in the washing machine, never sought after and certainly disposed of quickly if found. Harold (and the men like him) think the problem is women on the apps, I assure you Harold, you are indeed the problem!

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Sep 2Liked by Jennie Young

Hahaha 😂 😆 😂 oh dear, what a wonderful way to start a Monday morning...

I will be honest and say that I am also tired of the men of Facebook doing the same thing.. there's so many of them who take the same sort of picture from different angles, then they put a different top on and take another dozen pic's.. they obviously think we get turned on by their masculine allure, as they then do a selection of topless photos, and the bathroom mirror shots get a few photos too...

I can't ever understand why they do that as they always position the phone right over their face..

Come on guys, you're better than these attempts at getting a woman aren't you..?

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There's a pillow guy in Nashville. Three of us friends on the apps have been hit up by him. The same story. He's a nice guy. Short. Some religious trauma. He's smart and he enjoys smart women. He's harmless. He won't pressure you. He wants to meet and talk. He keeps you on the phone for a long time. I almost did meet him and something didn't feel right. One friend did, and he was over at her house in a heartbeat with banana bread and a massage at the ready. We figure that we all have something in common: being older. And he told each of us he liked other women. Yeah. We were targeted: older, divorced and easy. Or so this pillow guy thought.

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"Banana bread and a massage"! Eew! Hahahahah, two things I love in the correct context, but not from Pillow Guy showing up at my house!

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Oh no Harold...this is sooo wrong! At least he is making it easy for us.

Thanks for the laugh out loud entertainment.

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