I had been low-key dating like this since I started, but having the academic research and analysis has been so helpful to put words to what I felt instinctively.

My calling out one of the so-called dating experts you describe is what got me kicked out of a Facebook community that really meant a lot to me that was *supposed* to be feminist.

I'd do it again.

The "expert" told us to Always Be Flirting, and she defined flirting as showing interest whether you had any or not.

Um, yeah. That's called lying, and it's rude, unkind, and potentially dangerous.

She also said she flirted with a man at a bar, who turned out to be married, but he introduced her to a single friend of his, so yay!

The real kicker was she claimed that her clients were happy to go on bad dates because it was good practice.

It bums me out so hard that people are making money off from women who believe their BS (although I have to question how many of them are actually making money...)

It's not you, it's them. You are fine. More than fine, you are amazing!

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You know? Your method has been helping me A LOT, not only with dating, but with all my relationships.

I have become a very close observer of peoples words, rhythms and silences.

They all have a meaning!!

What made me a bit upset is to realize that if I had known about you and your work, I would not have dated, probably 95% of the men I've ever dated throughout my life. Maybe I would have found a sweet and loving needle by now!

But, better late than never, and I'm very very grateful for all your efforts. You have transformed my perception of this part of my life, which has so much impact on the rest of it!

I hope you can turn this into a self-sustaining project so you can keep helping many many people around the world!! Thank you so much Jennie ❤️️❤️️❤️️

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